CO OP Radio Interview 100.5fm


Interview Part One

Interview Part Two

I am very grateful to Co-op Radio and Sarvenaz Amanat, for the 1.5 hour interview on Monday April 15th, 2019.
We had the chance to discuss my current exhibition at Gallery 1515, the Earth Month events I’ve organized to coincide with the exhibition and of course we talked about my art practice and passion for environmental preservation.
Please have a listen to the links above.
This was my first radio experience, and I absolutely loved it! I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with Vancouver’s Co-operative Radio Station (CFRO, 100.5FM) which is an innovative non-profit community radio station & podcast recording studio. Their mission is to provide a voice for those underrepresented in mainstream media. 
Each week, Co-op Radio provides access to community space, training and equipment for 300+ volunteers who produce 140 hours of original programming, in over 10 languages.
They are a mosaic of 90 unique Radio Show collectives, supported in partnership by some of the most respected non-profit organizations in the province. Their beautiful Radio Station is a jewel in the heart of the city, and since 1975 they have celebrated the GVRD’s rich cultural diversity through arts, music, and spoken word programming. Check them out for non-commerical, ‘real-talk’ radio!